Limau bali?
It has been a long while since I made myself available to attend any events out of KL. As I have more time to spare now a friend asked whether I would like to attend the one in Ipoh.
The brutal truth is I have never explored Ipoh. To add more insult to the injury, I am absolutely clueless on what Ipoh has to offer, besides food, food and even more glorious food. But I thought maybe, just maybe, there is more to Ipoh than meets the eye. So my friend led me to the event's Eventbrite page: Incitement Ipoh
Nice looking banner. Concise information. And they even have a Facebook page! Neat!
My friend had attended the previous session. Needless to say, he was generous in sharing his experience. According to him, the upcoming event has speakers, and attendees can network, share and do a wicked exchange of experiences and ideas.
Despite having attended events in KL with similar concepts, I am intrigued to see how the organisers in Ipoh run the show. Reckon it would be a breath of fresh air. I am certainly looking forward to acquiring new experiences and getting to know new people.
So now that I have my trip all sorted out, I am all set to attend Incitement Ipoh!
Even when it means I have to miss another event. :)
3.10pm, Malaysian Time