Friday, November 17, 2017

.: Hayye Ala Al-falah :.

The azaan app.

Finally back on the blogging realm for a quick post. 

One of the things I had been busy with was doing the translations for the Hayye Ala Al-falah azaan app. Alhamdulillah, the app was finally released on 14 November 2017, on the App store, for IOS devices. 

Here are some screenshots:

If you happen to use an Apple product, or knows someone who does, it would be a great privilege to me if you or your close ones can download the app and provide honest feedback. This will greatly help the developers to make significant improvements, to make the app better for everyone.

Here's the download link:  Hayye Ala Al-falah azaan app

Share the word around!
10.54am, Malaysian Time