Care for a sip?
All along, I never know the origins of the cookies that my mum bakes. Whenever I ask her, she'll say it has been in the family, or that she got it from someone. Our conversations often get sidetracked along the lines of the family tree and history.
*direct translations of Kuih is cake, but it can also be cookies or biscuits. Bangkit really means rise, as in the cake rises, so "Kuih Bangkit" can be referred to as raised cookie.*
Did a little research of my own.
Kueh Bangkit were originally used for altar offerings for the ancestors. Then they were made in the shape of currency. Today they are made in various animal or floral shapes with their own symbolic meaning such as goldfish, peonies and chrysanthemums. They can be sprinkled with sesame seeds to symbolize fertility. Tan (1991) stated that kueh bangkit are typical of the evolution of the cultural osmosis from mainland China to overseas Chinese communities.Source :: Asian Festivals and Customs A Food Exporter's Guide by Grant Vinning and Kaye Crippen
Like the pineapple tarts that my mum makes, the "Kuih Bangkit" is in fact a Chinese New Year Goodie. The justification of us taking it as our own can most probably be traced back to our ancient ancestral roots, particularly on my dad's side. All that mattered to me is how scrumptious they are. *they're really good ... all light and crumbly, they seamlessly melt in your mouth.*
Eid is most likely the only time I get to see all my relations. Now and again, we do have family functions, yet not everyone are present. Though we hardly meet, the bond is very much intact. Alhamdulillah. :)
I reckon in a couple of years time, these girls will be much bigger than I'll ever be. As it is, they're almost the same size as me. *some have surpassed me.* Is it just me or are kids today becoming bigger? *haha~*
Love the smiles. ^^
12.50am Malaysian Time
remembered the last ramadhan. i begged my mum for more chocolate cookies when we already picked so much chocolate based cookies. after all the plead, i finally got it. thankfully, the cookies were delicious or tit'll be a waste.
anyway, kuih traditional always rock. my grandma usually make rempeyek during raya.
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister,
All so fascinating. I really love knowing the history behind 'food' - and very much enjoyed reading this one.
I hope you get your traditional, no-chocolate Kuih Bangkit .. eat one for me :D
Wa'alaykum as-salaam
Love Farhana
W'salam Miss Ash ::
Mum repulses the thought of us buying Eid goodies.
"Why buy when you can make them?".
The rempeyek. We call it tumpi. *not to be mistaken for the one from Brunei.* Love the ones made with green beans or dhal.
W'salam Dear Sister Farhana ::
Me too. :) Then again, I love everything there is to do with food. *haha~*
Thank you!!! Though I'm feeling kind' a bad to eat it for you.
What sweet lovely faces.
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