A Malaysian hujjaj's travel pack.
I suppose some might wonder about the things I had throughout my Hajj experience. These photos belong to my uncle. In the beginning, he kept an inventory of the things he brought @ got during Hajj. Sometime in our journey, he discontinued this procedure.

Some of the things provided by the Malaysian Hajj authorities; Tabung Haji and Malaysian companies. I'm uncertain on some of the books.
Left to right:: Medical pack [eye drops, cream, mouth rinse, vitamin C, aspirin, lozenges], Guide for Hajj Pilgrims and Visitors of the Prophet's Mosque, Prayer Schedules in Mecca and Medina, Hajj and Umrah Q & A, Map of Mecca and Medina, Hajj Pilgrims Health Guide, foldable mat, Hajj and Umrah Pilgrims Risalah, Ibadah: Umrah and Visiting, Pilgrimage Guide, Du'a and Guide for Additional Voluntary Prayers, Hajj Journey Risalah, Hajj Checklist.

A small fraction of the things obtained in Mecca and Medina. These were given out to the pilgrims in our hotel rooms, at bus terminals, mosques, etc. At the airport, we got a copy of the Al-Quran, some books and an umbrella.
Left to right:: Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah Charity Store House food pack [mineral water, milk, dates, tasbih and cheese bread], food pack *my uncle stuffed other things inside ... I do recall it being loaded with milk, dates, mineral water, bread and an apple*, Al-Khairy Foods Factory food pack [finger biscuits, tahina dip, dates paste, orange juice], The Establishment of the Motawifs of South East Asia Pilgrims food pack [mineral water, bread, dates, cake].
Insya'Allah, the next post shall be an extension.
10.10am Malaysian Time
It seems as thought the Malaysian Hajjis are very well organised etc. They all seem to have matching uniforms (outfits) and little bows etc to make you instantly recogniseable in a crowd.
Masha Allah ... nice memories ... :)
Brother Salaams:: Alhamdulillah, they do try. The matching uniforms/bows/flowers etc. are usually a)provided by the Hajj agencies b) made by the families. I'll touch on this in the next post; on how the Malaysian pilgrims distinguish whether one is following Tabung Haji, an agency, from another country etc.
Ms. Unique:: Relieving each and every day. ^^ Helps to remind oneself of the duties @ responsibilities one has. :)
Now that was interesting.
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