Serving mankind.

Information about Al-Khadeem Foundation and Sheikh Hussain Yee:
Al-Khaadeem Foundation Official Website: Al-Khaadem Foundation
Al-Khaadeem Blog: Al-Khaadem Blog
From Islam in China: Hussein Ye
From Wikipedia: Hussein Ye
There was a particular statement mentioned by Sheikh Hussain Yee which intrigued me tremendously;
"For dunia we have time, for akhirah when we have time."
Literally this means we always have time to perform worldly obligations and even if we don't we will make the time, however when it comes to fulfilling our duties towards God and the hereafter, this clearly depends on our availability.
Hence we ask ourselves, how many times have we delayed our prayers for trivial reasons such as:
- I have to finish my work otherwise I won't feel at peace.
- I shall wait till I reach home to conduct my prayers.
- I can always qada' my prayers.
Another memorable statement from Sheikh Hussain Yee was;
"We are here today, but where are we tomorrow?"
Death, with its mysterious allure has always been a fascinating subject. Although I think about it almost everyday, I can't help but feel have I done enough deeds that can substantiate me during the Day of Judgment? Are the things that I am doing purely for the sake of Allah S.W.T? To seek His pleasure, and only His pleasure?
A reminder to myself and everyone else :: Please do something good everyday even if it's just by giving a kind word, a salam *greeting* or smile to a random stranger. You have nothing to lose by doing that. :)
One step at a time.
10.34am Malaysian Time
Assalam Alaikum,
I always get motivated and inspired by speeches of Sheikh Hussain Yee~ =) I saw him on peace tv always, that's why~
He's the only one whom I know now, who is well-knowledgeable in point of view from chinese reverts... Especially those in SEA... =D
Subhan'Allah~ You were given the opportunity to go for such talk~ Goodie!! =)
Khadijah C.
Assalamu Alaikum, Sis. Thank you for this wonderful reminder. We get caught up with so much worldly stuff and obligations that we forget about the inevitable, i.e. death. So a reminder like this is like a wake-up call.
Wa'alaikum'as'salam Sister Khadijah,
That's good! I don't personally know anyone who's well-versed in Islam from a Chinese reverts' point of view, but I have read books and articles from a few.
Honestly, I feel blessed to have the chance to meet brother Hussain Yee. He's a very soft-spoken person, and it was a delight to listen to his talks. As you would have known, he's hardly around. :)
Nadia :: Wa'alaikum'as'salam Sis! My point exactly. :)
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