The Versatile Blogger Award.

Beloved Sister Salma from the Sole Sisters Collective has been sweet enough to bestow me with a blog award.
The conditions of this award are that:
1. The recipient must thank the bestower of the award.
Thank you so much love!. It's very kind of you to think of me in this sense. I always thought I write nonsense most of the time. :)
2. Share seven things about self.
1. I love food. *what's new?*
2. I love food photography. *To my FB friends; there's more to come!*
3. I'm trying to make it a habit to eat on time.
4. I'm reading a lot about India and Terengganu lately. *work-related*
5. I'm still learning Chinese; seriously taking my own sweet time.
6. Insha'Allah, my cousin and I will attend religious classes together.
7. I managed to curb my compulsive obsession to purchase books.
3. Bestow the award on 15 newly-discovered, or followed blogs.
I can't possibly choose 15, so I'm giving it to everyone in my 'Noteworthy Blogs' list.
And I just realized there's another award. Aahhh~~~ Silly, silly me!
There are two (2) rules for accepting this award.
1. I have to sum up my blogging philosophy, motivation, and experience in 5 words:
I suppose this blog is a space consisting of random thoughts for literary immortality.
2. I must pass on the award to 10 other amazing blogs.
Passing this to my 'Noteworthy Blogs' list. Everyone is amazing in their own way.
Thanks again Salma. :)
11.05am Malaysian Time