Exploration into the unknown.
Recently, I went to the YMCA Kuala Lumpur with my sis. As she was having her classes, I spent the time snooping around the area, doing a little exploration of my own to this unknown part of KL.
Even though I have been *and stayed...* in KL countless number of times from the time I was born up till now, I dare say that there are still many places that I have yet to visit. And I'm proud to admit that out loud. Haha! Proves to show how much of a lazybone I am... Somehow, the idea of staying at home has always been more appealing to me than anything else. *much to the contentment of my family...*

If you can't comprehend my writing, you're not the only one. When I was in primary school, I have been told by my teacher that my writing is equivalent to germs. In high school, it's equivalent to bacteria. *now, can anyone tell me what's the difference again ... ? * At work, it's just small.
Putting that aside, nearby is the Malaysian Association for the Blind. All along, I never know that it's there. Unlike the other parts of KL *or the majority of the places all over Malaysia for that matter*, the pavements, signages, crossings and etc. are user-friendly to the blind. Surely we need more of these amenities to accommodate to the needy.
There is a hill located near to a school. Apparently, they are having their canteen day of some sort, selling foodstuff and having games. I trekked up the hill and the view from there was spectacular. At that point in time, it didn't occur to me that it's quite dangerous to go there alone. Especially since it's rather desolate. *but there are stairs at the foothill ...! Thank God for that! Skirts and court shoes are a definite no no.*
In general, I spent a good 1 hour scouting the area, making new friends and getting annoyed.
A quote I read up during the weekend:"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see."
Mark Twain
Spread a little kindness , will you? ^
4.42pm Malaysian Time
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