Perhaps the world is paradise.

"We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open."
Jawaharlal Nehru
The photos, along with the ones in the previous post were taken at Port Dickson overlooking the Straits of Malacca. I'm not much of a photographer. Proves to show that if you put your earnest heart in it together with the natural beauty of the surroundings, the exquisiteness shall emerge on its own thus producing stunning results. Pardon the Chinese writing. Wrote it as I remembered. Do correct me if I'm wrong. ^
In conjunction with "Zero Emissions Day" Sept. 21st:
Spread the word. :)
In conjunction with "Zero Emissions Day" Sept. 21st:
- Don’t use or burn oil or gas or coal.
- Minimize (or eliminate) your use of electricity generated by fossil fuels.
Spread the word. :)
9.37pm Malaysian Time
Assalamualikum Hjar,
Oh Lord! I start to dream when I see all these beautiful sceneries ............ Masha Allah very beautiful and I call it Allah's(SWT) artistry surely no human artist can compete with Him ...... Subhan Allah ...... Thnx for sharing .......
Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your kind comment :) Your photographs are so beautiful! You have a great blog here, I just read a few of your entries and will be back again!
hi hajar~ ^^
thx for visiting my blog~
Ms. Unique :: You're most welcome. I always thought that there can never be any that can surpass the ones created by Allah (SWT). ^^
Tracy :: Likewise. Thanks for the kind words. I'll pop over yours every now and then. ^
Ave :: Similarly. :)
nice place so relaxing !
Assalaamu alaikum,
I love the photographs Hajar - so beautiful and calm!
Rainbow in the grey sky:: It really is. ^
Strangerinthisdunya:: Thanks! The sea does somehow brings a calm and surreal feeling. It must be the waves. :P
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