Lost for words.

Halfway through thinking that she can't prolly be more outrageously lovely than she already is, a pleasant surprise lurks in the tremendously humble Sister Hijabee's entry. Plainly put, she got me bowled over. *as if you haven't done enough with your massively insightful posts* Gosh~! The things I can rave about you. If Sister Mina didn't award this to you ahead of time, I'm positive scores of us will. :)
Loads of gratitude for including me in the honours list. ^^ Finding myself to be rather undeserving for it. *Cool and me apparently don't walk together ... haha~* Sis will find this bit of news hard to digest. LOL.
Whilst I'm still exhibiting excessive levels of euphoria, and keeping in with the tradition of sharing the blissful occasion, I must nominate 10 uber cool blogs. * bah~ that's absurd!* Every single blog reveal coolness in its own way. Aih~ Unfortunately, I still have to. There are bound to be reiterations from previous nominations. Needless to say, I'm amplifying the coolness effect that your blog has on people, particularly me.
Hijabee :: Need I say more? Kudos to our Hijabee in DC!
Mamamona :: Love how she posts her days in Egypt. The stuff that she does with her sweet little angels always leave a pleasing feeling inside.^
Empress Anisa :: Possess the flair to create articulate, well-expressed stirring posts. Dear sister, please prioritize in getting the internet connection before unpacking your stuff. *joking!*
Umm Travis :: Her tea break thoughts coupled with spectacular photos are the very things that perk me up in any given day. :)
Miss Unique :: If I knew you before I went for Hajj, I would have made it a point to meet you in person. Surely a beautiful soul exists in you sis. Posts chock-full with notable reminders back-to-back.
Hajar :: She has the cutest bundles of joy~! *squeels* Reading her posts on her happenings with them is owh-so wonderful!
Yoli :: Another sister with equally cute kids! *bah~ I'm starting to sound like a ninny.* It's always a delight to read her entries. The inspiring poems, quotes, paintings ... extremely uplifting!
Sister Farhana :: One of the first lovely sisters that I know. Awesome book reviews along with updates on the ingenious noble projects that bring forth immense benefits for the well being of others. Glad to know you're back sis. ^^
Miss Ash :: Within her lies a pivotal role in unleashing that thriving poetess. Blimey! Your posts shock me, in a good way. All the best for your major exams! ^^
Lisa B :: A picture speaks a thousand words. Quite cliché. Spend some time to go over her blog, captivated in the glorious picturesque compositions as seen through her lenses. ~
To the ones not mentioned, it doesn't mean your blogs are any less inferior. As said earlier, each blog has its own distinct significance, and every one is cool. However, I do admit that I am being partial by not mentioning any blogs by brothers. The sisterhood in me is just screaming for attention. *kidding* For more cool blogs, the links are listed in here. :)
Lots of love from your Asian connection *quoting Hijabee*.
Hijabee :: Need I say more? Kudos to our Hijabee in DC!
Mamamona :: Love how she posts her days in Egypt. The stuff that she does with her sweet little angels always leave a pleasing feeling inside.^
Empress Anisa :: Possess the flair to create articulate, well-expressed stirring posts. Dear sister, please prioritize in getting the internet connection before unpacking your stuff. *joking!*
Umm Travis :: Her tea break thoughts coupled with spectacular photos are the very things that perk me up in any given day. :)
Miss Unique :: If I knew you before I went for Hajj, I would have made it a point to meet you in person. Surely a beautiful soul exists in you sis. Posts chock-full with notable reminders back-to-back.
Hajar :: She has the cutest bundles of joy~! *squeels* Reading her posts on her happenings with them is owh-so wonderful!
Yoli :: Another sister with equally cute kids! *bah~ I'm starting to sound like a ninny.* It's always a delight to read her entries. The inspiring poems, quotes, paintings ... extremely uplifting!
Sister Farhana :: One of the first lovely sisters that I know. Awesome book reviews along with updates on the ingenious noble projects that bring forth immense benefits for the well being of others. Glad to know you're back sis. ^^
Miss Ash :: Within her lies a pivotal role in unleashing that thriving poetess. Blimey! Your posts shock me, in a good way. All the best for your major exams! ^^
Lisa B :: A picture speaks a thousand words. Quite cliché. Spend some time to go over her blog, captivated in the glorious picturesque compositions as seen through her lenses. ~
To the ones not mentioned, it doesn't mean your blogs are any less inferior. As said earlier, each blog has its own distinct significance, and every one is cool. However, I do admit that I am being partial by not mentioning any blogs by brothers. The sisterhood in me is just screaming for attention. *kidding* For more cool blogs, the links are listed in here. :)
Lots of love from your Asian connection *quoting Hijabee*.
10.02pm Malaysian Time