
The books I sent to Sister Farhana.
Left :: Al-Ghazali: Kimiya-e Saadat - The Alchemy of Happiness Based on the translation by Claude Field
Right :: Rumi: The Book of Love; Coleman Barks
Initially, I was supposed to choose a book but I just had to send her another one. For the first book, I like to inject happiness into my life. *somehow this didn't turn out right ...* I figure you can never have an excess of happiness. Additionally, during my spare time I dabble in poetry, Rumi being one of the recent choices.

And this is my brilliant gift pack I received yesterday afternoon! Sister Farhana's choice of gifts are out of this world! The theme is "Love" and yeah, I can sense the amount of "Love" it harbors. Just the very thing I need to set my gears running smoothly again. *my previous post is me absorb in a melancholic stage ... it happens once in a while ...*
The first thing that caught my eye was ... TWIX!!! Yes, we do have this here and I was addicted to it in high school. ^^
Secondly, was the Sauce Mix!!! *ermm ... both are uhh ... food?* Insha'Allah, I'll make it later this week.
Thirdly, the Diary or Journal!!! I was contemplating on getting another one as I'm halfway through mine and since this has Rumi, all the more hearts fluttered when I flipped through the pages. *so yeah, the pages are empty but ... I so heart the cover!!!*
Fourth, the Cards!!! Urmm ... kiddies? In teacups? Absolute cuteness~!!!
Fifth, the Wallet!!! Honestly, I don't use wallets, purses or anything equivalent. I'm more of a money pouch type of person. But I like blue. :) *you remembered, thank you*
Sixth, was the Fashion Jewellery!!! Cool~ I don't use these so it may just end up in my jewellery box along with my other trinkets, shining magnificently on its own. ^^These are really gorgeous and I'll try to find some occasions to eventually wear them.
Seventh, was the Bookmark/Magnet!!! I didn't notice it at all! I thought it was part of the Diary/Journal!!! I quite smacked myself on the head for not realizing it sooner.
Alhamdulillah, these are my lovely gifts from dearest Sister Farhana. THANK YOU SO MUCH~!!! I really can't thank you enough. I was in the kitchen doing some food photography for my mum *still got little bits of that melancholic feeling* when my aunt came running to me with this package. There and then, I opened it in the kitchen with my sis, aunt and mum each one having a questioning look splashed on their faces. It sure made my day more splendid that it already is.
Jazakallahu khairan ya Farhana.
The wait has ended alright.9.39pm Malaysian Time