
The books I sent to Sister Farhana.
Left :: Al-Ghazali: Kimiya-e Saadat - The Alchemy of Happiness Based on the translation by Claude Field
Right :: Rumi: The Book of Love; Coleman Barks
Right :: Rumi: The Book of Love; Coleman Barks
Initially, I was supposed to choose a book but I just had to send her another one. For the first book, I like to inject happiness into my life. *somehow this didn't turn out right ...* I figure you can never have an excess of happiness. Additionally, during my spare time I dabble in poetry, Rumi being one of the recent choices.
And this is my brilliant gift pack I received yesterday afternoon! Sister Farhana's choice of gifts are out of this world! The theme is "Love" and yeah, I can sense the amount of "Love" it harbors. Just the very thing I need to set my gears running smoothly again. *my previous post is me absorb in a melancholic stage ... it happens once in a while ...*
The first thing that caught my eye was ... TWIX!!! Yes, we do have this here and I was addicted to it in high school. ^^
Secondly, was the Sauce Mix!!! *ermm ... both are uhh ... food?* Insha'Allah, I'll make it later this week.
Thirdly, the Diary or Journal!!! I was contemplating on getting another one as I'm halfway through mine and since this has Rumi, all the more hearts fluttered when I flipped through the pages. *so yeah, the pages are empty but ... I so heart the cover!!!*
Fourth, the Cards!!! Urmm ... kiddies? In teacups? Absolute cuteness~!!!
Fifth, the Wallet!!! Honestly, I don't use wallets, purses or anything equivalent. I'm more of a money pouch type of person. But I like blue. :) *you remembered, thank you*
Sixth, was the Fashion Jewellery!!! Cool~ I don't use these so it may just end up in my jewellery box along with my other trinkets, shining magnificently on its own. ^^These are really gorgeous and I'll try to find some occasions to eventually wear them.
Seventh, was the Bookmark/Magnet!!! I didn't notice it at all! I thought it was part of the Diary/Journal!!! I quite smacked myself on the head for not realizing it sooner.
Alhamdulillah, these are my lovely gifts from dearest Sister Farhana. THANK YOU SO MUCH~!!! I really can't thank you enough. I was in the kitchen doing some food photography for my mum *still got little bits of that melancholic feeling* when my aunt came running to me with this package. There and then, I opened it in the kitchen with my sis, aunt and mum each one having a questioning look splashed on their faces. It sure made my day more splendid that it already is.
Jazakallahu khairan ya Farhana.
The first thing that caught my eye was ... TWIX!!! Yes, we do have this here and I was addicted to it in high school. ^^
Secondly, was the Sauce Mix!!! *ermm ... both are uhh ... food?* Insha'Allah, I'll make it later this week.
Thirdly, the Diary or Journal!!! I was contemplating on getting another one as I'm halfway through mine and since this has Rumi, all the more hearts fluttered when I flipped through the pages. *so yeah, the pages are empty but ... I so heart the cover!!!*
Fourth, the Cards!!! Urmm ... kiddies? In teacups? Absolute cuteness~!!!
Fifth, the Wallet!!! Honestly, I don't use wallets, purses or anything equivalent. I'm more of a money pouch type of person. But I like blue. :) *you remembered, thank you*
Sixth, was the Fashion Jewellery!!! Cool~ I don't use these so it may just end up in my jewellery box along with my other trinkets, shining magnificently on its own. ^^These are really gorgeous and I'll try to find some occasions to eventually wear them.
Seventh, was the Bookmark/Magnet!!! I didn't notice it at all! I thought it was part of the Diary/Journal!!! I quite smacked myself on the head for not realizing it sooner.
Alhamdulillah, these are my lovely gifts from dearest Sister Farhana. THANK YOU SO MUCH~!!! I really can't thank you enough. I was in the kitchen doing some food photography for my mum *still got little bits of that melancholic feeling* when my aunt came running to me with this package. There and then, I opened it in the kitchen with my sis, aunt and mum each one having a questioning look splashed on their faces. It sure made my day more splendid that it already is.
Jazakallahu khairan ya Farhana.
The wait has ended alright.
9.39pm Malaysian Time
What a lovely surprise! Lucky girl :)
Cute gifts im jelous:(
Awwwwwwww sooooo sweeeeet Masha Allah .... COngrats! .... don't eva lose them dear they're really precious except for ofcourse the food LOL :)
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahamtu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest Hajar!
Yaaay.. I'm so happy it made it! AlhumduliLlah. I was getting a little worried.
And very happy you like everything, barak'Allahu feeki.
It's been a wonderful to have you as a swap partner, look forward to having you join us again, insha'Allah.
Lots of Love
Nadia :: Damn lucky~! Haha~
Mina :: Oho~ Look who's talking! I'm green with envy over YOUR GIFT! :P It's already Monday here ... so over there, it's Sunday ... Sunday constitutes to ... I just can't continue. UPDATE ME! :P
Ms.Unique :: The food shall not be lost. It shall exist in me ... FOREVER~! Haha~ If only I can do the same with you ...
Sketched Soul :: Wa'alaikum'as'salam wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu dearest Farhana!
I have to be honest with you ... I am disappointed ... WHY DIDN'T YOU POST YOURSELF WITH IT??? That will be the ultimate gift. LoL~!
Insha'Allah. Do keep me informed. ^^
Hugs, Hajar.
I love seeing what you guys buy each other when you do these gift swaps!
Well, feel free to join in the fun! The more, the merrier I say. ^^
So how does this gift swap work, and what are the rules?
Wow, mashaAllah! Thats a very creative and thoughtful gift collection from sis Farhana. Receiving something like that can sure make someone's day.
Nadia :: 1st is, we'll send our favorite book to the recipient. 2nd is, after reading the book, we're supposed to come up with a gift pack of what we thought of the book.
For further info, you may find it here ::
Hope you may join us next time around. :)
Serendipitouslife :: I'm still gushing over it~! Plus I finished the Twix on the very next day! :P
As-salaamu'alaykum dearest Hajar,
Haha.. aww shucks, jou are so cute.. tabarak'Allah.
Insha'Allah I hope one day you can make it here, or me there.. or something.. just so long as we get to meet each other, insha'Allah.
Lots of Love
I am guessing it was your birthday?
Wa'alaikum'as'salam dearest Farhana :: LoL~ Insha'Allah sis. Insha'Allah. :)
Hugs your way love. ^^
Gabriel Mirza :: Not at all. It's a swap event.
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