
One of my group members in school was a brother from Harbin, Heilongjiang China. On one occasion, he showed me a giant pandas clip on his lappy, and told me stories about the gargantuan ice and snow sculpture exhibitions held there. In a nutshell, I got distracted by the pandas rolling around clip, which made him switch to speaking about pandas instead. Then he started playing songs. Sad, solemn, depressing songs. I cringe each time he did that and I pulled the stops when he wanted to transfer some of those songs into my lappy.
Sometimes our group discussions, assignments and projects will end close to 5am. Being the only girl in the group, he never fails to remind the others about this, hence I suppose I received special treatment because of it. Age-wise, he is the big brother and to some extent, a protector. So I had a sad, solemn, depressing big brother terribly annoyed when I refused to pronounce panda the way he did. A year later, he pursued his studies in the UK, and we lost contact. Initially, I was supposed to pursue my studies there with him, but I guess fate had other things in store for me. In this case, I am entirely at fault.
Sometimes our group discussions, assignments and projects will end close to 5am. Being the only girl in the group, he never fails to remind the others about this, hence I suppose I received special treatment because of it. Age-wise, he is the big brother and to some extent, a protector. So I had a sad, solemn, depressing big brother terribly annoyed when I refused to pronounce panda the way he did. A year later, he pursued his studies in the UK, and we lost contact. Initially, I was supposed to pursue my studies there with him, but I guess fate had other things in store for me. In this case, I am entirely at fault.
Xiong mao …Panda .......Xiong mao …Panda .......Xiong mao …Panda .... :P
I’m currently listening to this sad, solemn, depressing song and my thoughts just fleeted to him. His favorite sentence was ...
"If anybody bullies you, let me know. I’ll bring you back to China."
He doesn’t have to do that since I’m going there on my own. Not to Harbin though. I’ll freeze there. As it is, I'm already freezing in Malaysia.
What are the odds of that happening ...
7.33pm Malaysian Time
you studied in china? that's so cool. i always wanna go to china. :o
LoL~ No~! One of my group members is from China. I'm going there for a holiday. :)
Yay ... wish I could go with ya ... LOL ... anyways happy journey ... have fun Insha Allah ... me love traveling too :)
Have a safe trip!
Ms. Unique :: What's stopping you sister? I'm always open for another company. ^^ Thank you so much! I'm hoping it'd be a blast. Insha'Allah, I shall blog more on this as the date draws nearer. :)
Hajar Zamzam Ismail :: Insha'Allah. There's still a month left. :)
Do write a post about your trip to China.
I will be returning to China for the third time next year. I love China with all of my heart. To me, it is my second homeland for it is the land that gave me my beloved children.
So is this friend of yours any possibility of being a future boyfriend?
Arfy Majeed :: Insha'Allah. ^^ Welcome!
Yoli :: I can understand your sentiments towards China. :) I'm sure little Paloma is waiting anxiously for you back in Taiyuan. She along with her other siblings are truly blessed to have you and your family in their lives.
Not in a million years! Haha~ He's really the big brother kind. ^^
Yes, people lose contact, they move,the world is hardly static and people also move on ....
Yeah. Memories are the very things that binds it together.
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