Dandelion's promise; symbol of trust.
Many years ago, I made a promise to myself. Hence, the first time I heard the song, it transported me back to my primary school days. The childlike pinkie promises. ^^
One must have a good memory to be able to keep the promises that one makes.~Friedrich Nietzsche
Unfortunately, I have lost count of the promises I made then. I suppose, that justifies why I hardly promise anything, in fear of not being able to keep to it due to my scatterbrained nature.
To date, I have had my fair share of breaching my words. The decision to breach is not out of choice but duly because of circumstances. For the most part, it revolves around the feelings of others. *this doesn't come off as a good argument, does it?* When with intent, it is often accompanied with valid and legit reasoning. While some may perceive it as genuine, there are others that may take it as mere wretched pretexts.
Whichever the situation may be, breaking a word is the worst of acts in eradicating the trusts that others have laid upon you. Therefore, when placed under severe circumstances, and after taking into account the possible consequences of a seemingly drastic decision, only then shall I opt that path even though deep down I strongly oppose of such things. To be frank about it, I am greatly disgusted. Including of myself.

Whichever the situation may be, breaking a word is the worst of acts in eradicating the trusts that others have laid upon you. Therefore, when placed under severe circumstances, and after taking into account the possible consequences of a seemingly drastic decision, only then shall I opt that path even though deep down I strongly oppose of such things. To be frank about it, I am greatly disgusted. Including of myself.
As of now, I shall hang on to the ones that I have committed myself to, and pray hard that I shall not have to resort to any means of breaking any of it. Insya'Allah.
Note :: After almost 2 weeks of absence from the blogging realm, it puzzles me on the amount of blogging material that I came up with, which are mostly crap. *Haha~* I am stashing it up should there ever rise a time when I'll post it. :)
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep...~Robert Frost
Note :: After almost 2 weeks of absence from the blogging realm, it puzzles me on the amount of blogging material that I came up with, which are mostly crap. *Haha~* I am stashing it up should there ever rise a time when I'll post it. :)
Promises of a lifetime.
12.28am Malaysian Time
Well I guess we all make promises to ourselves.. and I guess we all break them too. I suppose as long as we keep refreshing and renewing our promises that is whats important.
the picture remind me on how much i love to go to playfield. it had been years since i the last time i went there. and today i went to a playfield in Tampin. and my little cousins were like, 'u're too big for the slide'.
time does fly fast...
Salaams :: One can always refresh and renew ... being steadfast in keeping to it is a totally separate thing. :)
W'salam Miss Ash :: Tampin, Negeri Sembilan?
Aih~ I remembered my cousin telling me that playing fields these days actually carry an age limit indicated at the entrance. Even so, we never get shooed away. ^
as salamu 'alaykum Hajar
Keeping promises has always been something I struggled with. I think I know why that is and that is why I really really try not to make them but sometimes when I do I'm like gaaaaaa! This, along with trying to be on time, are two things that throw me off. Please make du'a' for me insha'Allah. You'll be in mine, bi'ithnillah.
W'salam Umm Layth ::
I can completely comprehend, given that I've been in similar situations before. *the anxiety that comes along ... gyah!* Alhamdulillah, I have no issues concerning time. ^^
Insya'Allah, I'll make du'a for us both. :)
Jazaki Allahu khairan! and please pass on some tips to being more on time insha'Allah ; )
Umm Layth :: Insya'Allah, I'll come up with something. :)
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